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Home Patient Info Blog What Foods Can Help Improve Dental Health?

What Foods Can Help Improve Dental Health?

Posted on 3/7/2022 by Robert Leale
What Foods Can Help Improve Dental Health?To achieve a healthy smile, you have to have good nutritional practices. This is because the foods you consume impact your overall wellness and contribute a lot to your oral health. Therefore, your diet should include fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, among other healthy foods that make your teeth healthy and strong. This will also help prevent tooth decay, cavities, and gum infection that can potentially lead to other body conditions.

What Food Are Best for My Teeth?

The first group of foods you should consider are dairy products. This includes milk, yogurt, and cheese. These foods are high in calcium and contain less amount of sugar. Therefore, they will significantly improve your bone density and boost saliva production. Good saliva production is excellent for removing bacteria from your mouth. Apart from that, it also neutralizes the PH in your mouth.

Crunchy vegetables and fruits are other foods you should incorporate into your diet for a healthy smile. Fruits like apples and vegetables like carrots are packed with vitamin C to prevent gum infections. Aside from that, crunchy vegetables are filled with water, which helps clean your mouth, and since they require a lot of chewing, they stimulate saliva production, which removes bacteria in your mouth.

Nuts are also crucial for improving dental health. They have calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals for strengthening and fighting oral bacteria. For example, Brazil nuts remove bacteria from your mouth and prevent tooth decay. On the other hand, cashew nuts stimulate saliva production, and walnuts have vitamin E, potassium, iron, zinc, and fibers.

Get Professional Advice

We can never be sure of the right foods to use to improve our dental condition. Probably your dental condition is caused by a lack of particular minerals or vitamins. The good news is that dentists can always help you figure out what you need most in your diet. We welcome you to our dental clinic to get a dental checkup and the best advice on what you should consume to boost and maintain oral health.

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Spokane, WA 99218-1319


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