Whitening your teeth can be a benefit to yourself as well as to others as you exercise your beautiful smile. It can be exciting to see your teeth shades whiter than before your treatment.
However, an addiction to tooth whitening can happen. Sadly, some patients feel that they need to continually whiten their teeth to always achieve the perfect smile with perfectly white teeth. When this becomes an unhealthy obsession, the patient may have a disorder called bleachorexia.
An Unfortunate Mental State
Unfortunately, some people take tooth whitening to an extreme. Perhaps the patient feels that their teeth are not white enough. It may also be that the patient cannot stand to have stained teeth. Still, others guess that these patients, who show signs of an addiction to tooth bleaching, have tendencies to want to be in control of a lot of very small details and obsess about the color of their teeth.
The addiction to tooth whitening is called bleachorexia. It is a behavioral disorder. Bleachorexia can be compared to anorexia or bulimia. These disorders, which are commonly grouped together, are body dysmorphic disorders.
Call Our Office For Help
Please call our office to find out more information about tooth whitening. We can talk to you about the treatments we offer and how often we would advise getting your teeth whitened.
If you feel that a loved one in your home is experiencing bleachorexia, it is important to call our office right away. We can help connect your loved one with professional counseling and reach out to the patient and explain how their goal of tooth whitening may be unattainable and unrealistic. We want to come alongside you or your loved one that has bleachorexia. Give us a call today; we are ready to help.
Northview Family Dental 1121 E. Westview Ct. Spokane, WA 99218-1319