Broken teeth are a scary thing to deal with. This can happen when you do not expect it and the usual suspect is the area just below the gums. A lot of times, tooth decay is the reason why you might experience a broken tooth, especially if you have gum disease that has not been treated. However, this is not the only way this situation can happen.
Reasons Why Teeth Can Break
Many people end up surprised to learn that one day, they have a fractured tooth even if that tooth had not received any impact. There can be a variety of reasons why this might occur. A fractured tooth can occur if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. People who do this typically do it on a constant basis, and as a result, severe damage occurs to their teeth. A lot of the time, people grind their teeth without even realizing they do it, such as when they are sleeping or reading. Another reason a tooth can break is if you are biting down on extremely hard things, such as ice. This is can occur if you already have a weakened tooth structure due to a cavity that has been left untreated. Also, if you like to use your teeth as tools for hard-to-get things, you might want to reconsider. This will put a huge strain on your teeth, and you risk a fracture.
Turn to Us if You Struggle from a Broken Tooth
Overall, there are a number of reasons might suffer from a sudden tooth fracture. There are steps you can do to prevent this from occurring, such as working on bad habits and keeping up on oral hygiene but sometimes, accidents happen. If you have suffered a tooth fracture, do not hesitate to give us a call!
Northview Family Dental 1121 E. Westview Ct. Spokane, WA 99218-1319